The First 30 Days
To Serenity: The Essential Guide to Staying Sober: Star, Super.
This inspiring, dynamic and thought-provoking book about Super Star's journey through addiction and into recovery comes highly recommended by professionals in the field. Addiction is a "thinking disease" and this book exposes how stinkin' thinkin' is at the core of every addiction. The story chronicles rock bottom experiences, daily journals from Super Star's first 30 days in recovery followed by a stinkin' thinkin' and sober thinkin' reflection one year later. ORDER # N412-1 $22-90 ISBN 9780983531203
Clutter Busting
Your Life: Clearing Physical and Emotional Clutter to Reconnect With
Yourself and Others: Palmer, Brooks.
The author of the bestselling Clutter Busting books looks further into how holding on to things we no longer need effects relationships and offers thought-provoking questions, exercises and examples to help create clutter-free lives. ORDER # N412-2 $19-90 ISBN 9781608680795
Peace Is Every
Breath: A Practice for Our Busy Lives: Nhat Hanh, Thich.
In a book filled with personal anecdotes, meditations and advice a Buddhist spiritual leader shows how mindfulness can help people transcend their unfulfilling fast-paced lives and experience true happiness. ORDER # N412-3 $20-90 ISBN 9780062005823
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