The Dreamzappers:
Wise, D.R.
Dreamzappers are all around us - but can you recognize them? Through lyrical verse and whimsical illustrations, this beautiful book can act as an operating guide for the ambitious, motivation for the frustrated, and a must read for anyone with dreams. Adults can relate to young Amy who implores the Great Sage to reveal the obstacles and learn the secrets of zapping them back while on the journey to success! Illustrations. ORDER # N809- $34-50 ISBN 9780982134108
I See Your Dream
Job: A Career Intuitive Shows You How to Discover What You Were Put on
Earth to Do: Frederick, Sue.
A guide for unemployed or dead-end workers draws on ancient mystical teachings to explain how to identify one's calling, offering instruction on recognizing signs, creating a plan, and overcoming negative obstacles. ORDER # N809- $34-50 ISBN 9780312554200
The Force Is With
Us: The Higher Consciousness That Science Refuses to Accept: Walker,
The author describes the apparent encounters with his dead son; his subsequent research into telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis; and his growing belief that there is a force in the world that makes things happen and is the basis behind paranormal events and alternative medicine. ORDER # N809- $26-50 ISBN 9780835608671
Occult America:
The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation: Horowitz, Mitch.
Traces America's unique relationship with occult movements and thinkers, providing meticulously researched coverage of such topics as the Freemasonry, Spiritualism, and transcendentalism movements; the origins of the Ouija board; and the practices of famous historical figures. ORDER # N809- $48-50 ISBN 9780553806755
Out of the Broom
Closet: 50 True Stories of Witches Who Found and Embraced the Craft:
Hovey, Kendra
Shares the stories of how ten witches were drawn by their experiences and values to the wiccan faith, describing the spiritual traditions that have special significance in their lives while recounting how they disclosed their beliefs to their loved ones. ORDER # N809- $21-50 ISBN 9781598698916
The Intuitive
Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness: Peirce, Penney.
A hands-on workbook by the author of Frequency shares instructions for how to improve one's intuitive skills by balancing left-and right-brain thought processes in order to bridge the gap between divine ideals and real life. ORDER # N809- $33-50 ISBN 9781582702407
Parkers Astrology
Extended Edition: Parker, Julia
Extended to include astrological tables to 2020, this illustrated guide includes descriptions of the twelve sun signs; explanations of techniques; guidance on chart readings for relationships, marriage, career, leisure, and health; and the latest astrological practices. Illustrations. ORDER # N809- $35-50 ISBN 9780756658502
The Science of
Happiness: The Way to Personal Fulfillment: Boiron, Christian.
Challenging popular conceptions that well-being is wholly subject to one's environment or circumstance, a guide to achieving happiness by harmonizing conflicting brain components introduces basic neuroscience principles and demonstrates how to avoid unnecessary suffering. ORDER # N809- $20-50 ISBN 9781578263103
Partnering with
Nature: The Wild Path to Reconnecting with the Earth: MacGregor,
No Picture Available Shares a spiritually based prescription for a vibrant and peaceful life of abundant wellness, counseling readers on the benefits of reconnecting with nature in order to combat such challenges as depression, fatigue, and ADD. Illustrations. ORDER # N809- $27-50 ISBN 9781582702193
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