Mirage Men: An
Odyssey Into the Community of UFO Believers: Pilkington, Mark.
Delves into the world of UFOs - including researchers, enthusiasts and charlatans - exploring the strange symbiotic relationship between the U.S. military and intelligence agencies and UFO believers and discussing the 'mirage men', a clandestine group of scientists, military and government agents who believe they have received parts of a flying saucer-shaped puzzle. ORDER # N510-1 $35-90 ISBN 9781602398009
Messages: Signs,
Visits, and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11: McEneaney,
The wife of a 9/11 victim relates true stories about the spiritual and paranormal experiences - including premonitions, signs, dreams, visitations and communications through mediums and psychics - of others who lost loved ones during the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil. ORDER # N510-2 $37-90 ISBN 9780061974076
I Am the Word: A
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Awaken Your
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A psychologist who has lectured at the UC Berkeley Extension and The Omega Institute uses the latest research findings in neuropsychology to provide a four-step program for coping with stress and living with greater joy, ease and effectiveness. ORDER # N510-4 $26-90 ISBN 9780071742238
Soul Survivor:
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Chronicles the dramatic story of a couple who discovered in the wake of their 2-year-old's brutal nightmares that he is the reincarnate of a World War II fighter pilot, a revelation brought about by the child's startling familiarity with intricate details from the late soldier's life. ORDER # N510-5 $24-90 ISBN 9780446509343
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