The Last
Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death:
Assante, Julia.
Identifying the psychological benefits of an afterlife communication practice that the author believes can assuage negative feelings about loss and death, an analysis of religious and historical views draws on near-death experiences and after-death communication to reveal how everyday people can make contact with the afterlife. ORDER # N1112-1 $21-90 ISBN 9781608681600
Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People: Campbell,
A Psychology Today blogger demonstrates how to render everyday moments and challenges into opportunities for spiritual growth, demonstrating how to build a traditional spiritual life on top of a modern routine by engaging in short meditations and practicing mindfulness throughout everyday tasks. ORDER # N1112-2 $21-90 ISBN 9781936740185 |
Mermaids 101:
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A latest entry in the best-selling series that includes Angels 101 and Fairies 101 explores the history of mermaids from Atlantis and beyond while recounting tales about human encounters with merfolk and explaining how mermaid mythologies can teach readers about harnessing the powers of the unconscious mind. Illustrations. ORDER # N1112-3 $22-90 ISBN 9781401938840
Fear: Essential
Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm: Hanh, Thich Nhat.
Exploring the origins of fear, a renowned zen master and buddhist monk provides detailed practices for removing the toxic presence of fear from our lives and reveals how, without fear and anxiety, we can truly embrace the gifts of life and find true happiness. ORDER # N1112-4 $33-90 ISBN 9780062004727
A Message of Hope
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