Awakening the
Planetary Mind: Beyond the Trauma of the Past to a New Era of
Creativity: Clow, Barbara Hand.
A revised and expanded edition of Catastrophobia reveals how the modern world is at a cusp of an age of creative growth that will awaken to prehistoric memories of ancient catastrophes ranging from the biblical flood to the sinking of Atlantis, explaining how such events fed present day manifestations of fears about large-scale disasters. Illustrations. ORDER # N1011-1 $26-90 ISBN 9781591431343
Angels in My
Hair: Byrne, Lorna.
Documents the experiences of a young Irish mystic who believes she has been communicating with angels throughout her lifetime, sharing inspirational insights while explaining how her abilities are linked to a unique capacity for seeing typically invisible areas of the spectrum. ORDER # N1011-2 $21-90 ISBN 9780385528979
Be the Change:
How Meditation Can Transform You and the World: Shapiro, Ed &
Shapiro, Deb.
Collects the insights of spiritual writers and leading meditation practitioners from a variety of disciplines to inspire readers to begin their own meditation practice, in a guide that includes contributions by such figures as Jack Kornfield, Ram Dass and Marianne Williamson. ORDER # N1011-3 $19-90 ISBN 9781402782398
Be Love Now: The
Path of the Heart: Dass, Ram.
A third entry in the spiritual trilogy that includes Be Here Now and Still Here documents the writer's four-decade journey of the heart across cultures and spiritual traditions and is comprised of inspirational anecdotes counselling readers on how to follow the path of unconditional love. ORDER # N1011-4 $24-90 ISBN 9780061961380
Invoking the
Scribes of Ancient Egypt: The Initiatory Path of Spiritual Journaling:
Ellis, Normandi & Brown, Gloria Taylor.
Outlines revelatory meditations and creative writing exercises based on ancient Egyptian traditions, describing the inspirational practices of ancient scribes while sharing examples of transformative works by students who have attended the authors Egyptian tours. Co-written by the author of Awakening Osiris. Illustrations. ORDER # N1011-5 $26-90 ISBN 9781591431282
Understand Your Sacred Role As Healer, Guide, and Being of Light:
Arienta, Sahvanna.
Defining a Lightworker as a person who uses spiritual creativity and kindness to help others and make the world a better place, an inspirational guide links such conditions as depression and addiction to the acute nature of Lightworkers while inviting readers to change their perceptions about the world, personal challenges and individual responsibility. ORDER # N1011-6 $24-90 ISBN 9781601631886
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