ZhuZhu Pets is a line of robotic hamsters.

The name comes from Chinese zhu zhu, meaning "little pig". "Zhu zhu" is pronounced "joo-joo" in English, not "zoo-zoo" as it is often mispronounced. ZhuZhu Pets come as five different characters, named Patches, Chunk, PipSqueak, Mr. Squiggles, and Num Nums. Various accessories can be purchased for creating customized hamster habitats.

Zhuzhu Pets can be put in either of two play modes: "nurturing mode", in which they coo and purr, or "adventure mode", in which they explore their habitat and respond to various stimuli. They also have a sleep mode.

Zhuzhupets - Zhuzhupet

©2009 ZhuZhu New Zealand
